Student CCVI Spirit Award

Luis Valdes
2023-2024 Award Recipient
Luis Valdes is this year’s student CCVI award recipient. He is originally from Eagle Pass, Texas, and graduated with his Bachelor's in Rehabilitation Science with a Pre-PA concentration along with a double minor in biology and psychology. Luis has always had a great love for medicine. At a very young age, he remembers his mother taking him to the pediatrician, he was enamored with the hospital, the tools and even the smells of the office. His passion for helping others started with experiences where he served low-income families in Mexico, aiding them with food and other needs. Luis credits the growth of his leadership skills to his time as his high school’s youngest drum major, directing over 295 band members.
Luis’ time at UIW sealed his passion for medicine, where he fell in love with surgery. During a project, led by Dr. Shandra Esparza and Dr. Ortiz, he had the opportunity to collaborate with parents of children with disabilities. From this experience, Luis felt called to engage fellow students in conversations regarding the topic of medical negligence and its near-death impact on children’s lives. This passion led to a new student organization called Future Health Care Heroes, an interprofessional organization for those interested in health care who want to learn about interdisciplinary issues regarding health care.
Dr. Lucero Delgado Martinez shared:
In the future, Luis sees himself as a successful surgeon, advocating for the special needs community in Eagle Pass, Texas. He would also like to set up a health institution in Eagle Pass, making it accessible for Mexican and U.S. citizens at the border. Luis wants to become a physician that goes above and beyond for his patients, to understand their needs and not treat them as just a case to solve.
Luis is an extraordinary individual whose unwavering commitment to service and advocacy has left an indelible mark on our community and beyond, a beacon of compassion, empathy and integrity. Congratulations, Luis!
- 2023-2024 - Luis Valdes
- 2022-2023 - Elizabeth McDougle
- 2021-2022 - Erika Haskins
- 2020-2021 - None given due to pandemic
- 2019-2020 - Julia King
- 2018-2019 - Rozlyn Bermea
- 2017-2018 - Jacqueline Suttin
- 2016-2017 - Olivia Creagar
- 2015-2016 - Olivia Almirudis
- 2014-2015 - Jon Johnston
- 2013-2014 - Amira Alsareinye
- 2012-2013 - Caroline B Garcia
- 2011-2012 - Samantha Buentello
- 2010-2011 - Manuel Edward Esquivel
- 2009-2010 - Gabriela Valdez
- 2008-2009 - Lauren Wappelhorst
- 2007-2008 - Arturo Martinez
- 2006-2007 - Peter D. Fingar
- 2005-2006 - Joan Braune
- 2004-2005 - Elizabeth Cruz
- 2003-2004 - Tai G. Ingram
- 2002-2003 - Sarah Wegenka
- 2001-2002 - Leonard Leos
- 2000-2001 - Ann Marie Cowan
- 1999-2000 - Dzao C. Vu
- 1998-1999 - Kenneth Williams
- 1997-1998 - Jennifer Aguirre
- 1996-1997 - Robert Cuellar
- 1995-1996 - Carolina Ballester
Philip J. Lamberty Award

Alo Rodriguez
2023-2024 Award Recipient-
excellence within their individual ministry and the Music Ministry as a whole,
continuing education and self-improvement in worship and music,
commitment to fostering the ministerial gifts of music – not for personal glory, but as tools in strengthening faith and leading others to God,
an openness to being used by God as an instrument of prayer, praise and gratitude.
Reflect the Mission of the University of the Incarnate Word, thoughtfully, living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed.
Committed to their ministry through the care and formation of those that they minister.
Committed to their continued study, self-improvement and dialogue about worship and music.
Committed to contributing positively to the musical prayer life of the UIW community.
- 2023-2024 – Alo Rodriguez
- 2019-2020 – Gabriella Fresquez
- 2018-2019 – Sean Chapman
- 2017-2018 – Chris Ceniceros
- 2016-2017 - Amy Poniatowski
- 2015-2016 - Teresa Vincent
- 2014-2015 - Carmen Arenas
- 2013-2014 - Jennifer Kroon
- 2012-2013 - Clarissa Soto
- 2011-2012 - Marsha Sanchez
- 2010-2011 - Hayley Amols
- 2009-2010 - Elizabeth Lopez
Sr. Maria Goretti Zehr Music Ministry Volunteer Award

Jocelyn Reyes
2023-2024 Award RecipientEach year the University awards an undergraduate student who is recognized by peers, faculty and staff as living the mission of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word in her/his service to the University and the broader civic community. This Student CCVI Spirit Award was initiated in 1994 and is presented to the student at the Incarnate Word Day Mass each spring semester.
University Mission and Ministry invites all members of the University community to submit a nomination of an undergraduate student who, in their estimation, lives the mission of the Sisters and whose actions embody the spirit of human dignity and charity in relationships at the University and in the broader community. The award will be presented at the annual Incarnate Word Day Mass and again at the SGA Student Awards Night. The student chosen for the award will be presented with a plaque which he or she may keep. Additionally, a plaque listing the student's name will be displayed in the Columkille Administration Building. The recipient will have the opportunity to identify a project or ministry of the congregation and the University will donate $250.00 to that cause.
Contact Mission and Ministry for criteria by email at
- 2023-2024 - Jocelyn Reyes
- 2022-2023 - none
- 2021-2022 - Madeline Ajero-Mercado & Dario Solis
- 2020-2021 - Mariah Solis
- 2019-2020 - William Gokelman
- 2018-2019 - John Gokelman & Jr. & Carolina Lira
- 2017-2018 - Angel Alcala & Sr. Eilish Ryan, CCVI
- 2016-2017 - Sr. Estella Flynn, CCVI
- 2015-2016 - Gabriella Fresquez & Sr. Margaret Bright, CCVI
Ecumenical and Interfaith Award

Kahli Villanueva
2024 Award Recipient
The Ecumenical and Interfaith Student Award recognizes a student in Mission and Ministry at the University of the Incarnate Word, who has made significant contributions in leadership and service to ecumenical and interfaith activities on campus.
Contact Mission and Ministry for criteria by email at
- 2023-2024: Kahli A. Villanueva
Archdiocesan Intercollegiate Awards
Outstanding Newmanite Award

Alondra Rodriguez and Sneha Varghese
2024 Award Recipient
Please nominate two students for this award.
- Students must be active in Campus Ministry
- In good standing with the Catholic Church
- In good standing with the University
- 2024 - Alondra Rodriguez, Sneha Varghese
- 2023 - none
- 2022 - Sarah Tellez, Elissa Simmons, Victoria Doan
- 2021 - none
- 2020 - none
- 2019 - Renee Muniz, Mary Luevano
- 2018 - Julia King
Criteria for De Corazon A Corazon – Heart Speaks to Heart

Lanai Johnson
2024 Award Recipient
This award is given to a Catholic* student who has contributed in an outstanding way to the faith life of the community. They have a heart for ministry and service, and have gone out of their way to evangelize their peers, bringing others to Christ and building the faith community on the campus. Many times this is a student who has been in ministry for several years and has contributed to the community faith life over this time. This award should only be given to a student once.
*At UIW we have designated the de Corazon Award for a non-Catholic student who has contributed to the faith life of the UIW community.
Please nominate one student for this award.
- Student must be active in Campus Ministry (goes above and beyond the call of duty)
- In good standing with the Catholic Church
- In good standing with the University
- Involved in the larger community
- Involved in their parish life or campus ministry
- Implements the Six (6) Accepts of Campus Ministry in their daily events/activities in campus ministry/campus.
- 2023 – none
- 2022 – none
- 2021 – none
- 2020 – none
- 2019 – Sergio Gonzalez, Zane Alsareinye
- 2018 – Camille Piper
The Mission Continues Award
The Mission Continues Award is a series of five annual awards given to faculty members who demonstrate in an outstanding manner one of the five mission values - education, truth, faith, service and innovation.
The Mission Continues Faculty Awards Program
The Mission Continues Faculty Awards Program is a series of five annual awards. The awards are named for Sisters representing the congregational heritage of living the Mission values through teaching, scholarship, and community service. The awards recognize faculty for their commitment to promoting the Mission and supporting the ministry of the University of the Incarnate Word in an outstanding manner.
Mission Continues Award RecipientsAward | Value |
Sr. Maria Goretti Zehr | Innovation |
Sr. Eleanor Ann Young | Truth |
Sr. Margaret Rose Palmer | Education |
Mother Columkille Colbert | Service |
Sr. St. Pierre Cinquin | Faith |
Mission Values
The faculty members nominated for these awards will demonstrate in an outstanding manner one of the five mission values specified below:
- Education: The faculty member engages students in the learning process.
- Truth: The faculty member searches for and seeks truth in scholarship and in the classroom.
- Faith: The faculty member is committed to educational excellence in the context of faith and fosters the values of the University.
- Service: The faculty member embraces a global perspective and emphasizes social justice.
- Innovation: the faculty member is open to thoughtful innovation which serves material and spiritual need.
Attributes/Characteristics of Nominees
A person nominated for one of the five Mission Continues Faculty Awards will exhibit the following attributes/characteristics:
- Has genuine love for UIW and its Mission
- Inspires/motivates students to embody the Mission
- Exemplifies in a special way the core value of ____ in the classroom/school/community.
- Articulates the Mission to students.
- Empowers students.
- Is a true teacher.
- Is open to students’ and colleagues’ ideas/suggestions
- Respects all others, mindful of their inherent dignity
- Inspires trust in students and peers
- Possesses imagination/vision in curriculum development and scholarship
- Is willing to grow/take risks in his/her profession
- Has worked for UIW for 2 or more years
- Has contributed to the development of his/her department or school.
To make a nomination, please download and submit the following form to Sr. Walter Maher in AD 151.
The Celebration for these five awards typically occurs during the Spring semester. Public Relations will photograph the recipients, and copies of these photos will be placed in an archival scrapbook and in the faculty files of the school they represent. Annually, one plaque will display the names of the five winners and the five values. At the top of the award plaque will be the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word logo and the UIW logo will be displayed near the bottom of the plaque. Recipients will receive a certificate and a door plaque to symbolize the honor.
The Mission Continues Faculty AwardsPrevious Winners |
Sr. Pierre Cinquin Award Faith |
Mother Columkille Colbert Award SERVICE |
Sr. Margaret Rose Palmer Award EDUCATION |
Sr. Eleanor Ann Young Award TRUTH |
Sr. Maria Goretti Zehr Award Innovation |
2003 | Dr. Barbara Herlihy | Dr. Pat Lonchar | Dr. Susan Hall | Dr. Beth Senne-Duff | Dr. Annemarie Walsh |
2004 | Dr. Jean Deliganis | Dr. Michael Mulnix | Dr. Bonnie McCormick | Dr. Michael Risku | Dr. Steve Wilson |
2005 | Dr. Mary Ruth Moore | Basil Aivalotis | Dr. Joseph Bonilla | Dr. William Thomann | Elose Stoker |
2006 | Dr. Glenn Ambrose | Dr. Sally Said | Dr. Christopher Paris | Dr. Sara Kerr | Dr. Bonnie McCormick |
2007 | Dr. Martha Ann Kirk, CCVI | Dr. Eula Pines | Dr. Robert Ball | Dr. Lydia Andrade | Dr. Anita Anderson |
2008 | Dr. Hector Perez | Dr. Neeta Singh | Dr. William Schurter | Dr. Mary Elaine Jones | Dr. Elizabeth Kreston |
2009 | Dr. Eilish Ryan, CCVI | Dr. Allison Whittemore | Dr. Amalia Mondriguez | Dr. Christy MacKinnon | Hank McDonnell |
2010 | Bill Gokelman | Dr. Harold Rodinsky | Dr. Maureen Rauschhubber | Dr. Bernadette O'Connor | Dr. John Stankus |
2011 | Lee Ann Waltz | Yvonne Davilla | Dr. Osman Ozturgut | Dr. Veronica Martinez-Acosta | Dr. Javier Arjona |
2012 | Dr. Lopita Nath | Dr. Michael Frye | Dr. Alakananda Chaudhuri | Dr. Julie Miller | Dr. Pat LeMay Burr |
2013 | Dr. Russell Coates | Dr. Chris Edelman | Dr. Patricia Sanchez-Diaz | Dr. Julian Davis | Dr. Sara Tallarovic |